


Renting a car in Hokkaido Renting a car in Hokkaido is without a doubt the best way to see, travel and experience this magical landscape. Hokkaido is truly unique, and is absolutely one of the most beautiful places we have ever been. This article is focused on the practicalities and necessities for renting a car in Hokkaido. However we have an article about visiting the Shiretoko and Akan National Parks in eastern Hokkaido as well as a bunch of our favourite photos from our 2 week road trip through Japan’s most northern island. We have an additional article on renting a car and driving in Kyushu, as there are some key differences between renting here and renting in Hokkaido. However the rules and required documents are the same. We also have articles on eating in Japan and budgeting when travelling Japan to help you plan the perfect trip to the…

Two of Hokkaido’s most beautiful National Parks Hokkaido is Japans last wilderness, here you will find dramatic mountain peaks, rugged coastline and maybe the odd higuma (brown bear). Very few people make it this far north, which is a blessing for those that do. Offering some of Japan’s most spectacular scenery the Shiretoko and Akan National Parks are well worth the time and effort. Although this article is full of great photos, we have another article of photos from Hokkaido. Getting There and Getting Around Renting a car is the best way to get around Hokkaido. The JR network, whilst being extremely reliable does not cover the entire island. Also public transport in and around the Shiretoko and Akan National Parks is very limited. The size of both National Parks also contributes to the necessity of a car. We have an article on renting a car in Japan with all…

Photos that will make you want to visit Hokkaido Hokkaido is without doubt one of the most beautiful places we have ever been. With wild untamed wildness, incredible food and barely any people, this really is the complete opposite of most people’s image of Japan. This is the least visited of Japans four main islands, but making the effort to get this far north is definitely worth it, as you can see from the photos below. We have some other Hokkaido specific articles to give you some more information on visiting this stunning island. Check out our article on renting a car in Hokkaido for everything you need to know when planning a self driving holiday in Japan’s norther wilderness. Also to experience two of Hokkaido’s most stunning and remote destinations check out the Shiretoko and Akan National Parks. Finally check out our article on budgeting in Japan, helping to…