


A dinner with his wife and a short stop to buy cigarettes has turned into jail time for one man from Jiangxi. The peculiar news story of his very short visit to a prostitute is now making its rounds on Weibo. This is an article that Miranda co-wrote for www.whatsonweibo.com Huge thanks to the wonderful Manya Koetse for her help and support in editing the article. Click here to read the rest of the article on whatsonweibo

In the last 30 years China has lifted 200 million people out of poverty and taken the average GDP per capita from $249 in 1987 to $6807 in 2013. On top of that it has raised its overall GDP from $270.4 billion in 1987 to $11 trillion dollars in 2015. This GDP value represents 17.75% of the world economy. Economically this kind of rapid development has never been witnessed. In the space of a generation the Chinese economy has changed beyond recognition. People have opportunities that would never have even been possible 30 years ago. China has gone through the kind of industrial revolution that took many developed nations close to 100 years to achieve. However culture and society cannot change and develop at the same rate as this economy. As a result China now has older (born before 1980 give or take) and younger (born after 1980…