


It is rather disconcerting to find yourself part way up a mountain, around dinner time, as storm clouds are rolling in. No-one around you, the only guesthouses are somewhere “on the trail” according to the guidebook and the final cherry on the top of this rather frustrating predicament is that its hot, humid and you’ve got a mouthful of water left. To understand how I ended up in this position, I need to rewind a little. I’d managed to sneak in some annual leave to get a short 5 day break built around my Tuesday and Wednesday weekend back in July 2013. I decided to use this time to take a trip down to Chengdu, one of Chinas coolest and most happening cities. Great food, great scenery and a dialect of Mandarin that can leave even the most proficient speaker confused and befuddled. I landed in Chengdu on Monday lunchtime…